Water Information
2008- Yuma County Water Issue:
The citizens/landownersof Yuma County had a big decision to make on November 4, 2008. We were faced with the possibility of curtailment of wells due to a $20 million lawsuit filed by some of the water rights owners of the Pioneer Laird Ditch District. The solution brought to the voters was two ballot initiatives’;one was to approve the organization of the Yuma County Water Authority Public Improvement District (5C). The second was to approve the $20 million bond to purchase the water rights of the Pioneer Laird Ditch, through the Yuma County Water Authority Public Improvement District (5B).
November 4, 2008 results:
5C- YCWA Public Improvement
Yes – 82.11%
No – 17.89%
5B – Water Bond
Yes – 76.34%
No – 23.66%
Compact Compliance Pipeline:
In an effort to assist Colorado in reaching compliance with the Republican River Compact, the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD) built the Compact Compliance Pipeline (CCP). The RRWCD purchased 62 water rights and built the pipeline system transporting water from large capacity irrigation wells through a 12-mile transmission pipeline to the North Fork Republican River near the Colorado/Nebraska state line. Deliveries from the CCP has been approved by Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado through the Republican River Compact Administration. The RRWCD also offers supplemental contracts to conservation programs such as CREP/EQIP and the Ogallala Aquifer Initiative. Surface water rights have been purchased in an effort to support streamflow deliveries for the compact. The RRWCD encourages water conservation by providing funding to upgrade irrigation systems.